17 Feb 2009

Inamo - Best Restaurant Ever

We know that this isn't the most animation-oriented news that we could have posted but we felt it deserved a mention! At the end of last year a new type of restaurant opened in Soho, London, which we were amazed hadn't been created before. Simply put, Inamo is a restaurant that combines amazing food with new technology which gives you a dining experience like no other.

When we arrived to celebrate Katie's birthday we were shown to our table and were ready to embrace the new technology. The way it works is that there is a projector above each table that is linked to a computer which you control from your seat using a touch pad mouse and button. After a short demonstration by our waitress we were eager to play around on the interactive menu - we were like 2 kids on Christmas morning!

Aside from being able to order or cancel your drinks and food, you can watch 'Chef Cam' and see your food being cooked, play Battleships with the person opposite you while you wait, or see the total of your bill so far, You can even plan your evening after your meal by viewing maps, cinema and taxi information!

Apart from being dazzled by the technology, the food was first class. Inamo presents a relativley simple, but delicious, Thai menu. (Which you can see 'on-your-plate' in front of you before you order.) Also, the prices are very reasonable for a Soho restaurant. Inamo is far from just a novelty idea, and I hope to see more of these resturants popping up in the future. Speaking from an animation background (and interactive content background) there is a lot more that can be done with this idea.

Check out the Inamo Website