That's right, Slurpy Studios shot to international mega fame yesterday, with an interview on BBC Southern Counties Radio. The only question remaining is; will the unparalleled fame and hoards of screaming groupies go to our heads!?
We were interviewed by a DJ by the name of Alison Fern at the station's headquarters in Surrey. The program title was 'Mr. and Mrs,' and the idea behind it is to interview 'interesting couples' (for those of you who don't know, Slurpy Studios comprises of Aaron Wood and Katie Steed - an 'interesting' couple who live and work together.)

The interview was a great experience for us and a lot of fun to do. We were a little surprised to discover that Alison Fern was not to be seated opposite us in the studio, but in Brighton! We were placed in a room with microphones and headphones, and went on air at 1pm. This relaxed approach suited us very well, and we were able to chat with Alison in a casual manner about animation, Slurpy and (slightly worryingly) marriage!
It was probably not the most intimate interview possible, the depths of our souls and psychological make up were definitely not plunged, but we answered all of her questions about how hard it can be living and working in such close proximity, about animation in general and the successes that we've had so far. We talked about our heros and inspirations (mostly Joanna Quinn, Nick Park, Suzie Templeton, Richard Williams) as well as our own work and where we see ourselves in the future.
We're hoping to get hold of a copy of the interview, which we will post here. Apologies to anyone who tuned in a little late and spent all afternoon listening to them talking about male hygiene and hedges!